- Aecae (elevators)
- Aera (aeronautics)
- Alia (logistics)
- Anmopyc (construction machinery)
- Arahealth (health)
- Caar (automotive)
- Cluster Aragonés de la Alimentación
- Cluster del Turismo de Montaña
- Fundación del Hidrógeno
- IDiA (ICT users)
- Tecnara (ICT)
- Zinnae (sustainability)
The origin of this network was a multisectorial forum between clusters and companies, with significant representation of Aragonese SMEs, with the common objectives of: promoting research, developing innovation, improving training, achieving greater competitiveness, consolidating funding sources, professionalizing its sector and position its own cluster inside and outside of Spain.
The result of this cooperation between companies and / or clusters is the development of projects and initiatives at lower individual costs and with a greater scope, such as:
- Benchmarking of methodologies and good practices
- Certifications of excellent clusters at European level
- International missions
- Plan for attracting projects and investors
- Formation plans
- Platform for the management of cluster initiatives